Saturday, August 24, 2013

Long Lost NYC Pics

Over the course of the summer I had experiences that I did not get to share so here's some long lost pictures from my summer in NYC!
Frida Kahlo Self Portrait 
MODA Modern Museum of Art
Dylan's Candy Bar, Upper East Side
Dylan's Candy Bar
View of Times Square pedestrian traffic from 2nd story

Aeropostale, Times Square

Disney Store, Times Square

View of Manhattan from Staten Island Ferry

Delisia abroad the Staten Island Ferry
9/11 Memorial
Waverly Place

Washington Square Park
Apollo Theatre, Harlem

Black Ink Tattoo Studio, Harlem

Statute of Frederick Douglass, Harlem

Trayvon Martin rally, Harlem

Brooklyn Bridge

Downstairs at Webster Apartments

Museum of History & Science

Museum of History and Science

Museum of History & Science

Museum of History & Science

This man photobombed Jessica's picture outside Insomnia Cookies, Upper West Side

Raccoon in broad daylight, Central Park

Upper East Side

Central Park

Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm, MET Museum of Art

Andy Warhol, Ethel Scull, MET Museum of Art

MET Musum of Art

MET Museum of Art

Last day at my internship at Ross with Ashley and Jessica

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Deep in the Heart of TEXAS!!

So I officially am back home in Texas! Man it feels great to come back after being away for a summer. Never have I been away from here and been so anxious to get back; I guess New York does that to a Southerner. You realize how good you got it once you leave.

I can officially say that I did the whole New York thing, and I know that is not the life for me. Do not get me wrong, the city is magnificent but for me personally, I would not want to live there permanently. For millions of other people though, they call NYC their home. Overall being in New York City for the summer was like a once in a lifetime experience, that I am glad I did so young in my life. There are people that go their entire lives wishing they could live in NYC, and I am blessed and fortunate to have been given the opportunity at this time in my life. It was this summer that I have gained great appreciation for the South; it's unlike any other part of the country with its charm and hospitality unparalleled.

Friday evening I flew into Austin Bergstrom International Airport where my family awaited my arrival by minivan. We were staying the weekend at Horseshoe Bay Marriott Resort in quiet hill country about an hour west of the state capitol. The place was adorably situated in a resort country town of lakefront summer homes and stucco condos. It was not our typical vacation location, but something different. This town, Horseshoe Bay is where the Texans go to get away from the city.

Below are some pics from the weekend back in Texas: