Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On The Road to Redemption: Bouncing Back from a Not So Stellar Semester

Nothing like a new year to revitalize the motivation and drive for all A's this semester. Grades were less than awesome for me last semester, and now I am on a mission to redeem myself. I mean it's one thing to say "I'm shooting for all A's" at the start of each semester only to get halfway through and shape my thinking to "heck, if I pass I'll be okay!". I have let senioritis get the better of me, but not anymore! This semester I'm not just shooting, I am AIMING and having aim is much more accurate than idly shooting.

Let's flashback in time to me as a freshman: fresh-faced, overly ambitious, and on the Dean's List most importantly. What helped me stay so focused? I received the extra push with the help of some advice books.  I picked up again HOW TO WIN AT COLLEGE: Surprising Secrets for Success from the Country's Top Students by Cal Newport over the course of  winter break. It's an easy read with less than 200 pages containing 75 tips from top performing students all over the country! As I read the book again, like the back cover states, there were some surprising tips like: don't do all your reading and drop classes every term. Now don't let these two pointers keep you from checking this book out; like with any advice book, everything does not have to be taken wholeheartedly and is circumstantial. Over the course of the spring semester I will be putting some of these tips to the test  on my journey to A+ success (I think this is the makings of a mini series: Journey to A+ Success).
Disclaimer: Don't let my trial and error approach to tips I have deemed beneficial substitute checking the book out for yourself! There are tips that I will overlook that you find valuable that I overlook. On the other hand I also hope that my testing encourages others to change their old patterns by  practicing a new tip or two I am trying.

Won't you come along on this journey with me this semester to prove to myself that I can aim and hit the target of A+ success in school?

And if anyone has any awesome tips, advice, or stories feel free to comment below. I am always open to new ideas for studying!

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
                                                                                                                  Psalm 20: 4-5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS. I'm on board with striving to make all A's this semester!

P.S. Next time I go to Half Price, I'm gonna check out that book!