Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Journey to A+ Success: Tip #1

Hey! Looks like you have decided to come along with me on the Journey to A+ Success! Welcome! Just a short disclaimer: be ready for some tips and tricks that I will be practicing over the course of my semester. There will be some trial and error, some frustrations, maybe tears (those can or can't be promised), but overall I'm praying and striving for a great semester where I have redeemed myself from a not so stellar last semester.

My first tip is more like a personal vow to myself: Buy a Planner & Stick to Using It!

Most schools hand out planners each year (especially to freshmen). My advice is to do search for a planner that best suits your personal style and taste. Because if you truly like it then you will pull it out and use it! I chose a really vibrant medium size planner VERA BRADLEY STUDENT AGENDA $18. I asked for it for Christmas! I really like the print and the size is perfect to fit in both my backpack and a tote bag. For some this might not be your style. Find a cool color and also choose a size that works for your lifestyle. A mini planner that fits in your pocket might better suit or a full size planner that measures the size of a sheet of paper. Whichever just make sure you adore it because it's going to be your friend this semester. Open it daily. Take it out at the start of class along with your textbook, pen, paper, etc,.

While on this mini shopping trip here's a few more items to pick up for your planner:
  •  Colored pens (I'm taking 4 classes so I want to write assignments, deadlines, extra credit for each class with it's assigned color. I went the less creative, blue, red, green, purple and any other items that don't fall into those classes can be written in black, pink, and orange)
  •  Highlighter (one or two colors are only needed; I use these as a last chance reminder of tasks that MUST be done soon that have been put off)
Now for me I like writing stuff down, but with it being 2014 and all, there's an app for that right? So I'm going to search around for a few apps over the first few weeks of my semester and see which I recommend. I've used one before and preferred paper/pen but hey if I find the right one maybe I will conform.

I'm so excited and pumped to apply the tips I will be sharing with y'all to my success this semester!

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.
                                                                          Psalm 138:8 ESV

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