Thursday, April 25, 2013

So You're Like Religious & Stuff

I had a conversation with someone yesterday who described some folks as being "all super religious and stuff". I have heard this type of phrase before when referring to Christians, but I was taken back by it for some reason this time. My response to the comment was something along the lines of well I wouldn't say that I was religious but I do believe in God. I cannot describe how I feel about the phrase used.. Should I be offended about the term being used as a descriptor of a person? All I know is that I do not like the connotation of being a "religious person".

Where I am going with this is how I do not like how society views believers of Christ as "religious". I watched a video on youtube (posted below) about how the word religious is interchanged with the word habit. "I go to the gym religiously (habitually)" or "I watch this show religiously (habitually)". It is like the word religious means habitual.

I do not want others to think that a relationship with Christ Jesus is merely a habit. Biting your fingernails is a habit. Checking emails is a habit. Following Christ is not a habit. Instead it is a relationship. I never want my love for Him to merely be habitual.

In the eyes of the world, praying to God, going to church, and tithing are seen as habits we Christians do, but it is SO much more than that. It is through our love for the Father that we strive to glorify His name and grace.

I want to end this by stating that I am  not religious, instead I am in a relationship with God that is ever growing with each passing day.

Toya Exnicious made some EXCELLENT points on the matter in her video Religion vs. Relationship, so definitely check it out!

God has given you His Spirit to enable you to live in a way that pleases Him. “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

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