Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

You can now follow Kyla's Long Way Home on Bloglovin'!!!!!! Just giving the people what they want. Subscribing by email is also a GREAT way to stay updated on my latests tips, trips, and experiences too! There's the email box on the left hand side. Happy Reading.

Journey to A+ Success: Tip #1

Hey! Looks like you have decided to come along with me on the Journey to A+ Success! Welcome! Just a short disclaimer: be ready for some tips and tricks that I will be practicing over the course of my semester. There will be some trial and error, some frustrations, maybe tears (those can or can't be promised), but overall I'm praying and striving for a great semester where I have redeemed myself from a not so stellar last semester.

My first tip is more like a personal vow to myself: Buy a Planner & Stick to Using It!

Most schools hand out planners each year (especially to freshmen). My advice is to do search for a planner that best suits your personal style and taste. Because if you truly like it then you will pull it out and use it! I chose a really vibrant medium size planner VERA BRADLEY STUDENT AGENDA $18. I asked for it for Christmas! I really like the print and the size is perfect to fit in both my backpack and a tote bag. For some this might not be your style. Find a cool color and also choose a size that works for your lifestyle. A mini planner that fits in your pocket might better suit or a full size planner that measures the size of a sheet of paper. Whichever just make sure you adore it because it's going to be your friend this semester. Open it daily. Take it out at the start of class along with your textbook, pen, paper, etc,.

While on this mini shopping trip here's a few more items to pick up for your planner:
  •  Colored pens (I'm taking 4 classes so I want to write assignments, deadlines, extra credit for each class with it's assigned color. I went the less creative, blue, red, green, purple and any other items that don't fall into those classes can be written in black, pink, and orange)
  •  Highlighter (one or two colors are only needed; I use these as a last chance reminder of tasks that MUST be done soon that have been put off)
Now for me I like writing stuff down, but with it being 2014 and all, there's an app for that right? So I'm going to search around for a few apps over the first few weeks of my semester and see which I recommend. I've used one before and preferred paper/pen but hey if I find the right one maybe I will conform.

I'm so excited and pumped to apply the tips I will be sharing with y'all to my success this semester!

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.
                                                                          Psalm 138:8 ESV

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On The Road to Redemption: Bouncing Back from a Not So Stellar Semester

Nothing like a new year to revitalize the motivation and drive for all A's this semester. Grades were less than awesome for me last semester, and now I am on a mission to redeem myself. I mean it's one thing to say "I'm shooting for all A's" at the start of each semester only to get halfway through and shape my thinking to "heck, if I pass I'll be okay!". I have let senioritis get the better of me, but not anymore! This semester I'm not just shooting, I am AIMING and having aim is much more accurate than idly shooting.

Let's flashback in time to me as a freshman: fresh-faced, overly ambitious, and on the Dean's List most importantly. What helped me stay so focused? I received the extra push with the help of some advice books.  I picked up again HOW TO WIN AT COLLEGE: Surprising Secrets for Success from the Country's Top Students by Cal Newport over the course of  winter break. It's an easy read with less than 200 pages containing 75 tips from top performing students all over the country! As I read the book again, like the back cover states, there were some surprising tips like: don't do all your reading and drop classes every term. Now don't let these two pointers keep you from checking this book out; like with any advice book, everything does not have to be taken wholeheartedly and is circumstantial. Over the course of the spring semester I will be putting some of these tips to the test  on my journey to A+ success (I think this is the makings of a mini series: Journey to A+ Success).
Disclaimer: Don't let my trial and error approach to tips I have deemed beneficial substitute checking the book out for yourself! There are tips that I will overlook that you find valuable that I overlook. On the other hand I also hope that my testing encourages others to change their old patterns by  practicing a new tip or two I am trying.

Won't you come along on this journey with me this semester to prove to myself that I can aim and hit the target of A+ success in school?

And if anyone has any awesome tips, advice, or stories feel free to comment below. I am always open to new ideas for studying!

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
                                                                                                                  Psalm 20: 4-5

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Go See The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Form Your Own Opinion)

I have been inspired to write again after a 3 month hiatus. I convinced my mother to go see Ben Stiller play a serious role! That's impressive people, round of applause please. Anyway today I saw the Secret Life of Walter Mitty and I have mixed reactions to this movie. Usually I'm more into action or thriller type movies but seeing commercials for this movie touched a special part of my heart. Is it sad that I saw a bit of myself in the character, Walter? There sparked a fear of growing older and living a life of mediocrity. Ok that word is a little harsh, more like complacency or unfulfilled. Walter loves his job; he lives for his job and goes through the motions of everyday life. Is it scary to think my life could be the same? Do others have that fear too?

I sympathized with, related to, and and yet loathed Ben Stiller's character in the movie. I felt sympathy for his contentment in life and his father passing. I related to the part of him that realized he wanted something different for his life and went for it. But I realized that the whole adventure in this movie was because he wanted to spark the attention of a woman! It was in that aspect of the movie that I loathed him.

Where is the person that decides they want to make a change in their life for themselves? I know I am not the only person that wants to see themselves as a particular character they are watching on the big screen. Some want to be Katniss (Hunger Games) other see themselves as young Simba in the Lion King. Whatever the character, relating is inevitable and maybe a piece of you aspires to have their characteristics: courage, spontaneity, passion etc,.

 I realize that technically he did want a change in his life, he was lonely and wanted to share his life with someone else. I guess what I am getting at is this movie did not break past the surface. The go-getter message conveyed merely stepped out of the kiddie pool and lurked in the shallow end of the big pool. I think a better story would have been if Walter discovered (or really re-discovered) himself for himself, not for the approval of the opposite sex. Finding yourself seems to be a theme that is missing in the cinematic world. Instead the ultimate goal is a happy ending with significant other. Now this is not going to turn into some rant about feminist views, all that is being stated is where is that strong individual at the end, not necessarily a power couple?

My next step is to read the short story written by James Thurber and go from there. I did enjoy the movie and would encourage others to go see it for themselves to form an opinion about it. This film so eagerly wanted to encourage a strong message ("To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed"), it scratched the surface with good intentions, but somehow lacked depth.


Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 
                                                                                      Philippians 4 6-7