Monday, June 3, 2013

New York State of Mind

It is a stormy Sunday night as I sit at my desk in my small New York room listening to the sweet melodies of Ella Fitzgerald, a fitting choice since she got her start in this very city! So I have officially moved into my new place for the summer as of Saturday evening. With my internship starting tomorrow morning, I am excited and anxious for what is in store for me with Ross Stores. It is like a dream come true, a summer internship in New York City.

After missing my first flight, US Airways was very accommodating and put me on a noon flight. I changed planes in Charlotte, North Carolina, and was in New York City by 6pm. Even though I missed my 8:30am flight, the day went pretty smoothly. I had even better seats on the plane this time around with seats at the front of the plane, SCORE! I headed straight to where I am living for the summer, at Webster Apartments, which sits on the outskirts of the Garment District. The location of this building is absolutely fabulous! I am walking distance from Ross's office which is also situated in the Garment District 12 minutes away. The Piers on Hudson River, Chelsea Neighborhood, and even Times Square is all super close to me!

I have not done any exploring of the city yet since I got in later in the evening last night. Today I had lunch in our building in the dining hall with a fellow co-worker/resident Ashley. We connected through LinkedIn of all social media networks! Ashley is from Pennsylvania and is doing a planning internship for Ross. Her room also just happens to be 4 floors directly below me. How oddly funny. After lunch we ventured on into the streets of Manhattan so that I could run a few errands. Our first stop was to the closest tattoo shop, not to get a tattoo though. I needed to get a nose stud to replace my nose ring for work. Infinity Tattoo NYC was where we ended up. The storefront can be seen from the street but to get inside you must taken a semi-hidden staircase from the the street up to the second floor of the building. They were very nice and professional and even put my stud in for me. Plus the stud was not pricey at all, only 10 bucks!

The location is 614 8th Ave #203  New York, NY 10018 

Our next stop was at a nearby Kmart for some snacks for the room. Word to the wise, do not shop at Kmart on a Sunday afternoon because everyone is there! With a small case of water with me we headed back to Webster and I rested for a bit.

The evening came around and I met up with a classmate staying at Webster who is also interning with Ashley and I, Hahna. We quenched our thirst at one of the plethora of Starbucks cafes near us and headed to see where Ross's Buying Office was located. We would be walking to work so we wanted to time it out. Food was our next objective, so we stopped at a nearby eatery, Bravo Kosher Pizza, where a slice of pizza will run between $2.99-4.50. Also try the garlic knots, they are knotted garlic bread rolls and cost $1 for 3. There are few locations around the city. Post dinner was a quick exploration of Times Square before heading back home for the night.

New York City will be my playing ground for the summer and I want to take advantage of every bit the city has to offer! I also plan to take away tons of beneficial knowledge through my internship. My entire college career has led to this Buyer internship. My dream job is to be a retail buyer, and I will officially have my foot in the door starting this summer.

This next piece is a thanks to Jesus Christ because through him all things are possible. He is my rod and my comfort and he provides me the strength to go out and seek opportunities that are outside my comforts of my hometown. I want to thank the Lord for him believing in me and seeing a great achiever inside myself, that I sometimes struggle to see. People ask me how do I get to do the things I do and see the places I have seen and I am here with one answer: I serve a Great Lord who never leaves my side wherever I go or whatever I do. It is through God's strength that I am not alone in my decisions to travel and seek new knowledge. I challenge those who feel they cannot be "as bold as me" to trust in the Lord with life decisions. God would never mislead or forsake you in life. So my answer is: TRUST!

 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD,  is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."        Isaiah 12:22

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