Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This weekend at Disney's Hollywood Studios, hundreds of sophisticated dressed ladies and gents filled the park for Dapper Day! I have been looking forward to this event since September of last year when I first found out about the event. The participants are still small in number, but as the number of park goers and the media for the event increased soon the park will be outnumbered during this bi-yearly event.

My roommates, Hanna, Jordan, and I have been nonstop excited about Dapper Day, that it was probably sickening! Finally Saturday had arrived but the day was not so smooth sailing as expected. I had an online test to take; 2 hour exam with 100 questions. Talk about putting a damper on things. Hanna had been expecting her petticoat for her dress to come in the mail all week and was resorting to shelling out money for a last minute substitute that would have been super plain. Luckily the package came in RIGHT before she was heading out to the store! Great luck right? A quick drugstore run for false eyelashes and we were in business for preparation for the evening!

We didn't get to the park in time to get in the picture with everyone at The Great Movie Ride, but we took some awesome pictures and even were snapped a few times by guests. One guy even approached us and asked for us to pose for a picture. We felt like celebrities. People staring and taking pictures of us as we enjoyed our evening at Hollywood Studios. People would even come up to us and want to know "what the heck was going on with all these beautiful people dressed up".

The best part of it all was passing other groups of people dressed up and acknowledging each other with a warm "HAPPY DAPPER DAY". Even some of the cast members knew what was going on and greeted us with the same welcome.

Ending the park experience by watching Fantasmic, next we headed over to Beach Club Resort for some much needed food. We were so excited about the night we had not eaten since breakfast!

 A few bumps in the road did not bring my spirits down Dapper Day; it was like the social event of the year for me! I am still on a high from the event and how stunning everyone who participated looked! I have a new adventure in the works, going to Disneyland Dapper Day next fall where the event originally started.

For more information about Dapper Day check out the website www.dapperday.com

Hanna retro updo
My roommates Jordan, Hanna and I on the tram outside Hollywood Studios
Shelby, Hanna, Jordan, and I posing near this vintage classic
Hollywood Tower of Terror

This was taken right after these ladies complimented me on my outfit! I had to get a picture with these dapper dolls!

Picture taken by Kanoe Lontayao 
Sarah and I

Ending Dapper Day events at Beach Club Resort for dinner
A photo-op in a foyer at Beach Club

Their recreation of the classic scene in Titantic

Thursday, September 19, 2013

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program to Talk About DAPPER DAY!!

DAPPER DAY!!!!!!!!!

What you've never heard of it? It's only the greatest Disney event to hit Hollywood Studios since EVER! Actually my opinion is bias. Plus this event has only been going on for about 3 years. There might be greater things, but none of them include guests dressing to the nines and heading to the parks for an evening of retro magic.

Inspired by the original Disney park designer's illustrations, which often featured extremely well dressed guests enjoying the park, DAPPER DAY events celebrate the tradition of stepping out in style.
This is your chance to visit the parks while looking your best. All elegant fashions from vintage-inspired to contemporary chic are encouraged. (Taken from Dapperday.com)

I am SUPER excited for this event this weekend! More excited about this than Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and ALL the Christmas events put on at the Walt Disney World Parks! This is my kind of event, dressing up and going out (and it's NOT to a club! Bleh!).

Here's a video that features the creator of this event, Justin, and looks at some snazzy looking folks!

And just for fun here is a video from DAPPER DAY-Walt Disney World February 24, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Uncertainty: Unclear of my decisions

Today officially marks week 5 of my Disney College Program. I am comfortable in my role at work, accustomed to co-workers and leaders, and pretty much figured out the bus system to my favor.

I should more excited about my experience than I feel. Constantly lingering in the back of my mind is the question "should I have come back?". Trust me it's not a good feeling to have, questioning my decision. Never have a made a decision so big that I felt was possibly a mistake. In the past, every decision I have made has been a learning experience. Being back here though I feel is not a learning experience but instead is not the place I should be right now. 

There has not been anything bad about my program: great job, leaders, and roommates. But have you ever felt God was this God's plan and timing or my own? Decision making about the future could be playing a lot into my reasoning. With graduation inching closer upon me, I wish I knew my next step in life, where I want to live, whether or not to go to grad school, career paths. These thoughts make my heart grow heavy. I hate to think my heavy heart is keeping me from truly enjoying all Disney has to over. 

This is sort of a different kind of post than I normally share. I feel that I should express concerns I have in life and that my life isn't all pixie dust and grand adventures. My life is not perfect and it definitely is not figured out! I will continue to seek God's help in my journey and ask that anyone reading this pray for direction for me. 

For anyone unsure of their decisions loke me there is a scripture that continues to speak to me:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NLT)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Power of Music: Rock The Universe

It was that time of the year again: Christian Concert Series at the two biggest theme parks in Orlando, Disney World and Universal Studios. During the same weekend in September both parks host a 2 day concert event featuring some of the top artists in Christian music. The downside is having to choose which one to go to, Night of Joy at Disney or Rock the Universe at Universal.

I choose to attend Rock the Universe with one of my roommates, Aubry on Saturday. Originally I was going to attend Night of Joy on Friday, but I forgot to buy a discounted ticket plus I didn't have anyone to accompany me. Things worked out for the best because Rock the Universe was excellent!!!

I had heard stories about how cast members despise working the events: basically tons of church groups kids away from their parents for the night. You do the math. Attending and observing guests I could understand where cast members could feel little pleasure in working the event due to the amount of unchaperoned teenagers being let loose. 

Overall though I felt like everyone was just having a great time! How many people can say they rode rides while their favorite artist played tunes on the stage below? 

There were so many great artists performing it was hard to pick who to see! Saturday night performers included: Red, Lecrae, Jesus Culture, Casting Crowns, Reliant K, Dara Macclean, OBB, Love to Outcome, and Crave. We decided to pick our favorite artist and see each perform. I picked Dara Maclean and my roommate picked Reliant K. The best part was getting to meet them and get autographs and pictures! Dara Maclean is such a sweet and down to earth woman of Christ. Her performance was so soulful and spirited! My roommate became a fan that night! Reliant K was awesome too even though we were so far back from the stage. I definitely knew some of their older songs. 

I think the most cherished and beautiful moments of the night was small but touching to my heart. As we were walking through the crowds to get to the Reliant K stage we pasted Jesus Culture performing. The hundreds of people watching the concert as well as the moving crowd passing through were singing along to One Thing Remains. Imagine as you're walking among hundreds of believers in Christ singing "Your love never fails and never gives up and never runs out on me" at a theme park in unison!! I loved it! 

The night was completely magical because through the power of music, The power of Christ filling the theme parks this weekend! I would love to go back again in the years to come

My roommate Aubry and I outside Universal Studios Orlando
Rock the Universe Banner
Aubry gets the autograph of lead singer Matt Thiessen of the band RELIENT K before their show
We met singer Dara McClean after her performance (such a beautiful sweet woman of God)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How's Disney?

If my lack of blogging could be an indicator of how life back at Disney World is then voilĂ ! I never have time to inform about my experience here, which is quite tragic. The pace has definitely slowed down from my summer in New York City. Actually I think living in Orlando requires tons of patience: buses, monorails, traffic, 5 roommates, Disney guests......it all forces you to be patient and wait. I am okay with the lifestyle change too.

I moved into Disney housing on August 12 so I have been here a little over 3 weeks. Certainly feels much longer since I am accustomed to both my work location and to the area from my previous program. Speaking of work, I am sure you're dying to know what the heck I am doing this time around. I work at Walt Disney World's flagship resort The Grand Floridian as a hostess for the Perfectly Princess Tea Party and afternoon tea. It is a very small operation but I enjoy the slow pace of the location compared to the chaos of the theme parks. Can I just say that God has blessed me with such a wonderful location that has great hours. With taking 12 hours online this semester I needed a schedule that was pretty set. My location is  only open 10:30am-5pm! Talk about a princess shift.

When I first came back to Disney I will admit I wasn't sure what to expect about my second program; I was feeling uncertain about whether coming back was a good idea. My roommate shared with me how she felt it was perfect it timing God's perfect timing bringing her to Orlando at this time. Unfortunately, that was not the same feeling I had. Questions lingered for about the first week and a half about if this was God's place for me. I did not start working until a week after I had arrived, and that also made me a bit anxious about what to expect about the outcome of my College Program. Honestly, it does not feel awesome questioning your decisions, and I knew praying about uncertainty would help me make a decision. I cannot believe the slight possibility of leaving so soon crossed my mind because of my uncertainty of my timing here. Being back here is like God's strengthening me I believe. I am forced to balance classes, work, faith, friends, and playing around Orlando, and I like the idea of the challenge.

Can I stop for a second and mention my roommates. I live with 5 other girls in a 3 bedroom apartment. Calm down people, I can hear your gasps! I absolutely adore my roommates, and living with these girls is such a joy! We share a faith of The Lord and I love how open we are about Christ and The Word. How many people can say they have devotional with their roommates? Our strong faith helps us bond as sisters of Christ and it is a beautiful thing.

Now that I have been working 2 weeks I am comfortable about being back here and I enjoy working at the most elegant resort on Disney property. The best part of my day is getting to here the big band play swinging music between 3-6pm while I am working afternoon tea.

More exciting experiences are here to come! Here's some pics of the first few weeks!

At the Woody's Round Up Welcome Party
Not the best batch of pancakes at our pancake party

Blending of 2 apartments for an awesome PJ Pancake Party

Hanna and I right after riding Pirates of the Carribean. Arrrgh!

Garden View Tea Room (my work location)
Night time at Grand Floridian's Garden View Tea Room

Walking down Main Street USA, Magic Kingdom
Dancing with Bolt in Tomorrowland

Space Mountain

Monsters University Welcome Party at Chatham Square 

Jordan in her Port Orleans Resort Quick Service Costume
Aubry in her Beach Club Resort Quick Service costume

Delisia and I in front of Cinderella's castle, Magic Kingdom
Rainy day at The Commons pool

Gabby and I spending our day off at Blizzard Beach Waterpark
Visited Kayla at work at Blizzard Beach

Right before the rain clouds came at Blizzard Beach